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At restaurant/飲食店にて

You want to be able to smoothly order and communicate your requests to waiters and waitresses at restaurants in Japan. Here are some phrases that you can use conveniently in Japanese restaurants.

日本(にほん)の飲食店(いんしょくてん)で店員(てんいん)さん、ウエイター(うえいたー)・ウエイトレス(うえいとれす)さんにスムーズ(すむーず)に注文(ちゅうもん)したり、お願い(おねがい)したいことを伝えたい(つたえたい)ですよね。 ここでは、日本(にほん)の飲食店(いんしょくてん)で便利(べんり)に使える(つかえる)フレーズ(ふれーず)を紹介(しょうかい)します。

1) Say "Sumimasen" when you enter a restaurant

"Sumimasen" is not only an apology but also a kind of greeting. In general, when you enter a restaurant in Japan, you will be escorted to your seat by the waiter at the entrance. If the waiter is not at the entrance, you can say, "Sumimasen (like "excuse me but it has a part of greeting), can you show me to my seat? and the waiter/waitress will come to you. "Sumimasen" is a polite expression and can be used in any place.

1) 店(みせ)に入ったら(はいったら)”すみません”。



Incidentally, "Sumimasen" is also used when specifying a seat.

・Sumimasen, I'd like a non-smoking seat (smoking seat), please."

・Sumimasen, but I'd like a window seat.

・Sumimasen, but I'd like a seat (high chair, etc.) for my child.


Restaurants' greetings: "Irasshai", "Irasshai-mase".

 When greeting customers at a restaurant, such as a sushi restaurant or a soba noodle shop/stand, they should cheerfully say, "Irasshai! in restaurants. In restaurants, customers are greeted with a more relaxed "Irasshaimase". The atmosphere of welcoming customers differs depending on the type of restaurant, so it's fun to get a feel for it when you come to Japan.






飲食店側(いんしょくてんがわ)の挨拶(あいさつ): いらっしゃい、いらっしゃいませ。

 飲食店(いんしょくてん)でお客様(さま)を迎える(むかえる)時(とき)に、お寿司屋(おすしや)さん、蕎麦屋(そばや)さんのようなお店(おみせ)では威勢(いせい)よく”いらっしゃい!”とお客(おきゃく)さんに声(こえ)をかけてくれます。レストランのような場所(ばしょ)では”いらっしゃいませ”と少し(すこし)落ち着いた(おちついた)感じ(かんじ)で迎え入れて(むかえいれて)くれます。 飲食店(いんしょくてん)のタイプ(たいぷ)によって、顧客(こきゃく)を迎え入れる(むかえいれる)雰囲気(ふんいき)も異なる(ことなる)ので、日本(にほん)に来たら(きたら)それを感じ取って(かんじとって)みるのも楽しい(たのしい)ですよ。

2) Tell the number of people.

In restaurants, you will be asked "How many people are in your party?

The answer to this question is as follows.


・"Hitori desu" (One person)

・"Futari desu" (Two people)

・"San nin desu" (Three people)

・"Yo nin desu" (Four people)

・"Go nin desu" (Five people)

・"Roku nin desu" (Six people)

・"Nana nin/Shichi nin desu" (Seven people) (Nana nin, Shichi nin, whichever way you count is fine.)

・"Hachi nin desu" (Eight people)

・"Ku nin/Kyu nin desu" (Nine people)

・"Jyu nin desu" (Ten people)

2(2)) 人数(にんずう)を伝えます(つたえます)。














3) Ask for a menu.

Usually there is a menu on the table, but if there isn't, ask for a menu.

"Menyu wo onegaishimasu"

3) メニュー(めにゅー)を頼みます(たのみます)。



4) If you see a menu and don't understand it, ask

If you can't understand the menu, ask, "Kore wa nan desuka? (What's this?)"  

Also, there are many times when you cannot understand Japanese food. In that case, ask about the dishes that the restaurant is promoting.

"Osusume wa nan de syouka?(What do you recommend?)"


Also, some restaurants have a special lunch menu or dinner course, so you can ask them about that.

"Ranchi menyu wa arimasu ka? (Do you have a lunch menu?) If there is a lunch menu), you can ask them "Kyou no ranchi wa nan desuka? (What's for lunch today?)"


If there is something you cannot eat due to allergies, etc., you can ask

Tell them, "〇〇 wa taberaremasen. (I can't eat ○○.)"









”ランチメニュー(らんちめにゅー)はありますか? (ランチメニュー(らんちめにゅー)があれば)今日(きょう)のランチ(らんち)は何(なん)ですか?”と聞いて(きいて)みましょう。






5) How to order

A) "○○ onegai shimasu (〇〇, please.)" Or, point to the menu and say, "Kore wo onegai shimasu. (I'd like this, please.)" If you want the same thing as someone else is eating, look at them and say, "Are to onaji mono wo onegai shimasu. (I'd like the same thing as that.)"


Add what you want before the word "Onegai shimasu.(please" and ask for it.)"

"Mizu wo onegai shimasu.(Water, please.)"

""Hashi wo onegai shimasu. (Chopsticks, please.)"

"Fouku to naifu wo onegai shimasu. (A fork and knife, please.)"

"Kozara wo onegai shimasu. (Small plates, please.)"

"Okaikei onegai shimasu. (Can I have the bill, please?)"


You can also use "Sumimasen" in combination with "Onegaishimasu.

"Sumimasen, mizu wo onegai shimasu. (Excuse me, can I have some water, please?)"

"Sumimasen, sofuto dorinku wo onegai shimasu. (Excuse me, can I have a soft drink, please?)"

"Sumimasen, wasabi nuki de onegai shimasu. (Excuse me, no wasabi, please."

"Sumimasen, Shashin wo onegai shimasu. (Excuse me, can you take a picture of me/us?)


If you are with a friend or family member and order more than one of the same item, count them as follows

・Hitotsu, Ichi nin mae. (One meal/plate or one serving)

・Futatsu, Ninin mae. (Two meals/plates or two servings)

・Mittsu, San nin mae. (Three meals/plates or three servings)

・Yottsu, Yo nin  mae. (Four meals/plates or four servings)

・Itsutsu, Go nin mae. (Five meals/plates or five servings)


For example, if you want to order two beef bowls, you can say, "Gyudon wo Futatsu onegai shimasu." "Gyodon wo Ninin mae onegai shimasu.(Two beef bowls (for two people), please)".

You can count for anything with the way of Hitotsu, Futatsu, etc., but you can count for only dishes/meals with Ichi nin mae, Ninin mae.

・Mizu wo Mittsu onegai shimasu. → OK

・Mizu wo san nin mae onegai shimasu. → NG


A(A)) をお願い(おねがい)します。” もしくはメニュー(めにゅー)を指さしながら(ゆびさしながら)、”これをお願い(おねがい)します”と伝えましょう(つたえましょう)。誰(だれ)か食べて(たべて)いるものと同じ(おなじ)ものが欲しい(ほしい)場合(ばあい)は、それを目配せ(めくばせ)しながら、”あれと同じ(おなじ)ものをお願い(おねがい)します”と伝えましょう(つたえましょう)。
















・一つ(ひとつ) もしくは一人前










Trivia 1

Meaning of "Ichi nin mae (one serving)".

①The amount allocated to one person.  One person's portion.

②To have the qualifications and ability of an adult.

③To have reached a certain level of skill or learning.

The original meaning of "Mae" is "one's share" from the meaning of allotment. The word "mae" was later used to mean "one's portion" in the sense of assigning, and was later derived to mean "adulthood" or "full-fledged adulthood," and also came to mean "a person who has reached a certain level in arts, techniques, and learning.








B) Arimasu ka? (Do you have any○○?)

・"Koshitsu wa arimasuka? (Do you have a private room?)"

・”Eigo no menyu wa arimasuka?(Do you have a menu in English?)"

・"Okosama menyu wa arimasuka? (Do you have a Kid's menu?)"

・"Bejitarian menyu wa arimasuka? (Do you have a vegetarian menu?)"

・"Non aruko-ru biiru wa arimasuka?(Do you have non-alcoholic beer?)"







C) "Nuki ni dekimasuka? (Can you remove ○○?)" This is used when you want to remove something you cannot eat.

・"Tamanegi nuki ni dekimasuka? (Can you remove onions?)"

・"Sumimasen, Wasabi nuki ni dekimasuka? (Excuse me, would you remove the horseradish?)"

C)抜き(ぬき)にできますか? 食べられない(たべられない)ものを取り除いて(とりのぞいて)欲しい(ほしい)場合(ばあい)に使います(つかいます)。



6) Take-out (case of leafovers)

In Japan, it was not generally customary to take home leftovers, although you may ask a restaurant to cook additionally for your family to take with you during your lunch or dinner.

However, due to the influence of Corona, more and more restaurants are allowing customers to take home leftovers, just like in the U.S. If you want to take home something you didn't finish, you can just ask them, "Omochikaeri ni dekimasuka? (Can I take it home?)"

6) 持ち帰り(もちかえり)



7) Pay the bill
"Kaikei wo onegai shimasu. (Bill, please.)"
"Okanjyo wo onegai shimasu. (Bill, please.)"
In Izakaya and Sushi restaurants, it is also called "Oaiso onegaishimasu".

If you and your friend want to pay the bill separately, you can ask as follows.
"Betsubetsu ni dekimasuka?(Can we pay separately?)"
"Betsubetsu ni seisan dekimasuka? (Can we pay separately?)".

In Japan, there is a greeting "gochisosamadeshita" (thank you for the meal) when you finish eating. When you leave the restaurant, tell the waiter "thank you for the food" and that you enjoyed the meal.










日本(にほん)では食事(しょくじ)が終わった(おわった)ときに”ご馳走(ごちそう)様(さま)でした”と言う(いう)挨拶(あいさつ)があります。 お店(おみせ)を出る(でる)時(とき)に”ご馳走(ごちそう)様(さま)でした”と店員(てんいん)さんに“おいしかったですよ“の気持ち(きもち)を伝えましょう(つたえましょう)。

Trivia 2
The word "Gochisosama" has a "horse" in the Kanji. In order to entertain people, you need to prepare food. In the old days, it was not so easy to get ingredients, so people had to travel far to get them by horse. By adding the prefix "o" to express politeness and "sama" to express respect, we express our gratitude for the time and effort taken to procure and prepare the food.

Meat, fish, and vegetables all have "life" in them. Itadakimasu" is the expression of gratitude for the "life" that is given to us so that we can live. "It is an expression of gratitude to the people who put in the effort to prepare the food and the ingredients, saying, "Your life is my life.






肉(にく)、魚(さかな)、野菜(やさい)すべての食材(しょくざい)には”いのち”がありました。その”いのち”を頂いて(いただいて)自分(じぶん)が生きられる(いきられる)感謝(かんしゃ)の気持ち(きもち)が”いただきます”です。 ”あなたがたの命(いのち)を私(わたし)の命(いのち)に代えさせて(かえさせて)頂きます(いただきます)”という食材(しょくざい)と料理(りょうり)に至る(いたる)まで労力(ろうりょく)を尽くして(つくして)くれた方々(かたがた)への感謝(かんしゃ)を表す(あらわす)言葉です。

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