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The Jomon period is one of the unique periods in the Japanese archipelago. In world history, it corresponds to the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. The differences between the Paleolithic and the Jomon periods include the use of earthenware and bows and arrows, the development of polished stone tools, settlement and the spread of pit dwellings, and the formation of shell mounds.

Japan's ancient Jomon culture is defined as the period from around 16,000 years ago (±100 years), when pottery first appeared, to around 3,000 to 2,400 years ago, when dry rice cultivation began.  (circa 10,000 B.C. to circa 300 B.C.) 

The end of the period is generally considered to be about 3,000 years ago (various theories exist). After the Ice Age, the climate warmed and the Japanese archipelago was formed. The geological age of the Japanese archipelago shows that it developed from the end of the Pleistocene to the Holocene due to the major changes in the natural environment, and although there are large regional differences in the end of the period, it was triggered by the appearance of the Yayoi culture, which is characterized by regular paddy rice cultivation and the use of metal tools. There is much debate about the age of this period, which ranges from a few centuries BC to the 10th century BC.

The Jomon period refers to the culture of the people who hunted, gathered, fished, and cultivated during this period, living off a variety of plants and animals, as well as earthenware and stone tools. The Jomon pottery of Japan is extremely old, even by world standards. Earthenware not only made it possible to boil food and remove astringent taste, but also made it possible to preserve food by sealing it. The Jomon earthenware, from which the Jomon period gets its name, is characterized by its design. Initially, they were characterized by designs on the surface of the vessel (claw-shaped patterns) that are created by piercing, pressing, and picking out using beans, human claws and various tools. Later, knurled sticks or sticks wrapped with thread were rolled across the surface of the pottery to create a pattern that covered the entire piece. The name "Jomon" was derived from this rope design.



終期は概ね約3,000年前 とされる(諸説あり)。氷河期後気候が温暖化し日本列島が形成された。 その大きな自然環境の変化から地質年代では更新世末期から完新世にかけて日本列島で発展した時代であり、終期について地域差が大きいものの、定型的な水田稲作や金属器の使用を特徴とする弥生文化の登場を契機とする。その年代については、紀元前数世紀から紀元前10世紀頃までで、多くの議論がある。





しゅうきおおむねやく3,000ねんまえ とされる(しょせつあり)。ひょうがきごきこうおんだんかにほんれっとうけいせいされた。 そのおおきなしぜんかんきょうへんかからちしつねんだいではこうしんんせいまっきからかんしんせいにかけてにほんれっとうはってんしたじだいであり、しゅうきについてちいきさおおきいものの、ていきてきすいでんいなさくきんぞくきしようとくちょうとするやよいぶんかとうじょうけいきとする。そのねんだいについては、きげんぜんすうせいきからきげんぜん10せいきころまでで、おおくぎろんがある。


アンカー 1

​【Jomon Period】

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